
Roasted Vegetables Recipe Blueprint

CONFESSION: Roasting is how I won over my brussel sprout hating parents. Yes, it was sly, but I accept full credit.  While home from college visiting my family, I decided to make roasted brussel sprouts and carrots for my parents who had some intense, emotional dislike for these baby cabbages. They had memories, bad memories of ‘dead,’ smelly sprouts permeating their house when they were a kid. My parents were skeptical, but I made them curious enough to try their first bite in over 30 years!

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Health, Recipes

Spaghetti Squash 101

Maybe 2017 is the year you are trying to find some new and fresh ways to enjoy veggies or maybe you know you just need to eat more of them! Spaghetti squash is a super fun vegetable for parents and kids alike!  Who isn’t intrigued by a big yellow gourd that when cooked and cut produces angel hair strands of squash that mimics the appearance of noodles?! Well, if you haven’t ever ventured to try spaghetti squash or you have walked past them in the market dozens of times not knowing exactly what it was, walk no further!  This is a veggie you NEED to try!

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How to Set Powerful and Practical Goals for 2017

Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible.

— Tony Robbins


But the second step is making them S.M.A.R.T.


While some may believe that setting New Year’s Resolutions is useless and futile, it is hard to shake off the desire to start something new, fresh and purposeful in the new year.  There seems to be this air of enthusiasm, desire and motivation to give more, push harder and go further.  The entrance of the New Year motivates many of us to evaluate, plan, set goals and take steps to change what we dislike.  


Many people don’t accomplish what they set out to do because goal setting is a bit of a learned art, but there IS a strategic way to go about creating smart and effective goals you can actually achieve.  While the initial drive and enthusiasm may seem like the perfect fuel for your ambitious dreams of self improvement, time, busyness and distractions have a way of crumbling what we thought was the perfect plan.


The newness, excitement and motivation wears off and life settles back into a natural, ‘normal’ pace.  The disciplines we tried to teach ourselves over weeks, maybe even months become boring and even dreaded.  We resent what we “should do” and begin to feel chained to rigid rules.


Have you ever found yourself locked into this cycle?


So how do we break free and begin to see progress?  How do we set SMART goals that we can actually accomplish?  How to we avoid slipping back into old behaviors and truly embrace the positive change?  Is there a way to avoid feeling like a failure, again?  



Research shows that the one monumental key to accomplishing a goal is to make them S.M.A.R.T.








By investing a few extra minutes planning a goal, you can dramatically affect the clarity of the goal and your ability to actually achieve it!


Here are a few examples of some unclear, ineffective goals:

Lose 20 pounds.

Get more sleep.

Get to the gym more often.

Plan out family meals.

Walk during lunch break a few times a week.

Take some time for “me” every day.


While these are some great objectives, the above statements are unclear and do not involve any plan to help an individual change a behavior.


If you have ever struggled with how to create SMART, powerful goals that will get you where you want to go, here are a few questions to walk you through the process.



How clear and specific is my goal?

Lose weight.

Eat smaller portions.

Exercise at the gym more often.

Spend more time with my family.


None of these statements are specific or measurable.  Instead, they are quite vague.  There is no way to determine whether an individual has or has not accomplished this goal because they do not give enough definitive information about what they are wanting to accomplish.


In order to be specific, you need to identify time (minutes, hours, etc), and/or frequency.



  • Eat dinner on a salad size or 8 inch plate for the month of January…
  • Exercise for 40 minutes at the gym, 4 times per week for the next 12 weeks…

  • Schedule 1.5 hours every Saturday to grocery shop and meal plan for the week…

  • Begin eating an afternoon snack at 4pm to avoid snacking before dinner every weekday…


Numbers and specifics give clarity as to what you are asking and expecting yourself to do.


Is this a realistic or attainable goal?

This can be a difficult question to answer because often we want to assume we can make HUGE, significant changes without experiencing too much discomfort.  The reality is that all change is difficult, and the bigger the mountain, the more difficult the climb.  Change often affects family members, housemates, and others around us as well.  


For example, your decision to bring your lunch to work instead of eating out with co-workers any longer may cause some disappointment and even resentment among the co-workers.  


Begin by setting reasonable goals.  Maybe set a very small goal for 1 week and then after you successfully accomplish it, slightly increase the difficulty level each week.



Long Term Goal

Drink ½ body weight in ounces each day (we will pretend this is 80 ounces)


Short Term Mini Goals

Week 1: take a 20 ounce water bottle to work each day (5 days) and drink entirely before coming home.

Week 2: take a 20 ounce water bottle to work each day (5 days) and drink 20 ounces before lunch, refill and then 20 ounces before coming home.

Week 3: continue water bottle routine at work and add in 20 ounces water to evening routine (drink completely between 5-10pm).


Each week the goal slightly intensifies, adding more and more water until the long term goal is reached.  Essentially, the individual is building upon the goal, making it attainable and more realistic to achieve each day.


Also important to note, by slowly changing the behavior rather than expecting dramatic change overnight, the individual can figure out how to adapt plans on busy days, when traveling, during meetings, etc.  This requires personal problem solving which helps the behaviors stick better long term.



When will you re-evaluate progress?

A goal and plan has little value if one does not assess progress.  How often do you want to evaluate yourself on your personal growth in this particular area?


Do you want to set small, weekly goals that you evaluate on a certain day of the week?  Do you want to check in 1 time per month on a specific behavior or activity you are adding to your routine?


You don’t know if you are getting anywhere if you don’t periodically take time to step back and evaluate where you are.  Sometimes you are further than you think!




How will you evaluate your progress?

There are a variety of methods to evaluate how successful you have been following your goal.  Make sure to choose the right method for your goal. 


A few ways you can evaluate progress on a health goal:

  • Labs– a physician office may have you return in 3 months to draw new labs and assess

  • Measurements– waist, hips, arms, thighs, etc.

  • Checklist- a great way to check off work outs, meeting daily water goal, hours slept, etc.

  • Strength and Fitness tests– variety of fitness tests often offered at a local gym where they assess strength, endurance, flexibility, etc.

  • Food diary– a clear way to assess whether you chose the types of foods, meals, eating patterns or frequency of meals that followed your goal.

  • Apps– there are dozens of Apps that allow you to monitor or track progress, but the key is updating it consistently

  • Journal– an excellent tool, especially for goals that are focused on changing the way we think about a certain topic and changes in our response to stress, triggers and difficult situations


A word of warning: Stepping on a scale is NOT always a good measure of success.  Make sure to evaluate the BEST method for your particular goal.



Who will support you?

Gaining support and accountability is critical to goal achievement. Specifically look for people that are 1 or 2 steps further along and can share, educate, coach, counsel and especially listen, when you are doing well AND when you are struggling.  


It is also wise to look for ways to set up natural accountability for yourself. You may want to create a group at work, church or in your community.



Smart goals are not difficult, but they are planned, written, strategic and measurable.  If you want to become a more action-oriented, powerful person in 2017, goals can get you there.  


Let’s all get SMART and kill it in 2017!


TRUTHCareful planning puts you ahead in the long run; hurry and scurry puts you further behind.
Proverbs 21:5


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Happy New Year!

 May the Lord bless and protect you; may the Lord’s face radiate with joy because of you; may he be gracious to you, show you his favor, and give you his peace.Numbers 6:24-26 (TLB)   My hope and prayer is that YOU thrive in 2017!~Jennifer 

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One Thing You Should Do to Eat Smarter in 2017

Gingerbread cookies. Sweet, spicy, chewy… a quintessential holiday treat.  In fact, the actual only sweet treat I have made this holiday season.  After making a batch Christmas Eve with my husband and sister, while watching the Santa Clause, the extras were placed in an open container on the counter.  It was a fun evening baking, reminiscing, being silly and waiting for the rest of our family to arrive.  


But, Christmas Day, that open container of gingerbread cookies sat there whispering my name every time I passed by.  As if these gingerbread men, (well, we made Christmas trees), were singing in chorus, tempting me as my eyes brushed passed them.  Every. Single. Time.


FINALLY, I got smart, covered them and then placed them out of sight on top of the refrigerator.


The same strategy I have talked about with so many clients took me hours to execute!  My credentials and nutrition knowledge certainly don’t make me immune to food temptations.  However, there are a few things I have learned, sometimes by trial and error.  


Christmas holidays are over, but I bet if your house looks like mine, there are still a few (or many!) lingering treats in the house!  


As we begin preparing for 2017- thinking about a fresh start and taking our health to the next level- I want to share 1 strategy that will help you eat smarter in 2017.  Instead of ‘trying’ to be stronger, execute more self-discipline, and telling yourself to just say ‘no’ to the treats, there is 1 thing you can do to eat smarter, consistently, without even trying…


Yes, 1 thing you can do now that will help you win again and again…


Clean out your kitchen.


Research suggests that leaving treats within sight may actually lead to a higher BMI, but when a fruit bowl was left on the counter, it contributed to a lower BMI.  


That’s incredible!  To think that your body mass index (BMI) can be significantly affected by simply what we types of foods we leave within sight on a consistent basis!


When out of the house, there are many factors we can’t control, but at home, we are in charge!!


Every time I walked past those cookies, I wanted to grab one, even when I wasn’t remotely hungry.  But once they were out of sight, I was no longer distracted by their presence and my self-discipline strengthened again.


If you want to regain control over your eating habits at home, the best place to begin is giving your kitchen a good, thorough cleaning out.  Here is my simple 3 step plan to clean out your kitchen so that you won’t sabotage your efforts in the New Year: 


STEP 1: Clean Off the Countertops

Begin by walking completely out the kitchen.  Close your eyes for a moment, and then walk back to the doorway of the kitchen.  What do you see?  What is on the counter?  What is within sight?  How do you feel in this room?


Look at this room with fresh eyes.  


If there are any treats on the countertops, determine whether you are going to toss them or put them up (out of sight).  The goal is to clean off every type of food, candy, or beverage item and give them a place in your pantry or the trash can.  


If you keep anything on the counters, it should be a fruit or vegetable.  Make a decision that ONLY colorful produce stays in a bowl on the counter.  This is also the perfect time to clean off anything that makes your kitchen feel cluttered or makes it unappealing to cook.  


You may also want to consider the organization or functionality of it.  BUT, don’t get overwhelmed!  Just toss the stuff that may tempt you (or anyone else!) as you pass by!


STEP 2: Clean Out the Pantry

Food that is at your eye level is going to be most appealing when you open the pantry.  What do you see?  What packaged food, candy and sweets do you need to toss?  Remember the same idea holds true for kids.  They are going to grab what is at their eyesight.  


ONLY YOU can determine what stays and goes but here are a few guidelines you may like to follow or use to evaluate your pantry items:


  • Does it have more than 5 ingredients?

  • Does it have more than 6-8 grams of added sugar? Read label for added vs naturally occurring sugar.

  • Does it contain at least 3 grams of real (naturally occurring) fiber per serving?

  • Does it contain any artificial colorings or flavors? (like Red No. 40)

You might feel conflicted, desiring to clean out the junk but scared that family members will resist the changes.  I believe that the best way to go about this is to be open and honest about your project AND get everyone involved (or, at least invite them to help you determine what should and SHOULD NOT go).  


Ask your kids to help you read the labels and put the high sugar foods all in a box.  Then, ask them to choose 1 option they want to keep.  Place this item above their eye level and in a different container or package that they cannot see through.  It is not about eliminating the food totally from their diet but making it less noticeable.   


Also wise mightbe to set a written rule of how often a treat is purchased at the grocery store.  Once a week?  Once a month?  After making this plan with the family, stick to it.


Ice cream is my husband’s favorite treat, but he recently set a goal to make a 48oz carton last 2 weeks.  He can either eat it all in a few days or savor it over 14 days- this is his choice.  BUT, I only buy it 1 time every 2 weeks. That’s it.


Set your family plan.  Write it and put it on the fridge.  Stick to it.





STEP 3: Clean Out the Fridge

AND, stock the fridge with the foods you want to encourage yourself and family to eat!  What should go?  What should stay?  What do you want to become a weekly purchase during your grocery shopping trips?


These are some things you may want to toss:

  • High calorie and high sugar beverages- Eggnog, alcohol, juice, soda, and any other sweetened beverages

  • Foods and condiments that have expired

  • Leftovers that do not support your health goals


A few keepers:

  • All fresh (or frozen) produce

  • Low fat dairy- yogurt, milk, cottage cheese, sliced or block cheese

  • Plant protein- tempeh, edamame, tofu


This is the perfect time to take everything out, wipe down the shelves and then place foods back in that support your goals.  


Restock, restock, restock.  Family members may complain that there is nothing to eat IF there is nothing to eat.  Make sure to restock healthy options that they actually like and will eat.




I can WISH you a healthy New Year. We can HOPE that in 2017 we will make healthy choices.  But wishing and hoping will not produce a trim waistline.  


We CAN remove treats, trigger foods and temptations that seduce us again and again.

We CAN clean up and clean out.

We CAN replace unwise choices with flavorful, nutrient dense foods.


Let’s not only begin the New Year well, but let’s end 2016 strong. Join me…


 TRUTH:  Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one receives the prize? So run that you may obtain it.1 Corinthians 9:24 (ESV) 

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Mouthwatering Christmas Brunch Recipes that WON'T Add to Your Waistline

Growing up, my grampa, Papa, always made a big Christmas breakfast for the family.  Walking through my grandparents door, you would be greeted with the aroma of bacon sizzling on the stovetop, buttermilk biscuits baking in the oven and fresh coffee ready for pouring.  We would all squeeze around the dining room table, elbow to elbow, thank the Lord for our many blessings and then devour the bountiful spread of breakfast dishes while excitedly sharing about our long awaited Christmas gifts we had opened only an hour earlier.  


Even now, 25 years later, I can hear the gleeful voices, feel the buzz of released anticipation and smell all things delicious cooking in that tiny kitchen.  It wasn’t really about the food- not at all, actually.  But the food connected us.  That small oval dining room table was the place we all gathered to love, laugh, and share- share memories not easily forgotten.


Whether you are hosting a full house of guests or having a small intimate Christmas morning, I have a roundup of some of the most delicious, health-FUL and crowd pleasing brunch recipes that will delight your tastebuds and become the start of some beautiful memories!


Egg Quiche Muffins

Customize these egg muffins by adding interesting and flavorful cheeses, a variety of vegetables and even some fresh chopped herbs.  Protein dense eggs will fill you up without weighing you down.  You can begin your fun-filled Christmas day with a hearty breakfast and still feel great in your skinny jeans!

From Healthy Inspiration




Sweet Potato and Sausage Cheesy Egg Bake

With only 5 ingredients, this recipe is not only a crowd pleaser but super simple!  Sweet, salty, and savory- the perfect combination, unless you want to kick it up a notch with spicy chicken sausage!

From DashingDish




Baked Oatmeal

Crowding around the breakfast table with your fuzzy-socks-wearing favorite people to share this amazing Berry Vanilla Baked Oatmeal is the perfect picture of home.  Simply delicious.  Downright comfortable.  Warmth in a bowl.  Sweet memories.

From Healthy Inspiration (modified from Celebrating Sweets)




5 Minute Egg Bake

No one wants to spend unnecessary time cooking in the kitchen while Christmas festivities are being enjoyed.  This Egg Bake can be whipped up in 5 minutes flat!!  Invest your precious moments with the people you love and let your oven do all the work!

From Muscle and Manna




Gluten Free Wild Blueberry and White Chocolate Oatmeal Cups

Vibrant wild blueberries, hearty oats and decadent white chocolate chips all combined together in a sweet muffin that is sure to satisfy your sweet tooth and fill you up!  You don’t need any expensive gluten free flour mixes or ingredients- just old fashioned oatmeal!  These muffins aren’t too naughty but have just enough chocolaty flare to tease your gues that they are!

From Real Mom Nutrition




Baked Eggs in Spaghetti Squash Nests

Impressed and amazed.  Your brunch guests will be wowed when you serve these elegant baked eggs for breakfast.  If you are looking for a recipe that is outside the box but isn’t too complicated, try this out!

From SkinnyTaste




Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal Muffins

Speckled with bits of sweet chewy apples and bold with cinnamon spice, these Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal Muffins are the perfect accompaniment to an egg bake, or scrambled eggs and chicken sausage.  They are kid-friendly but will delight adult tastebuds as well.  Leftovers are also the perfect snack with a cup of tea or decaf coffee mid afternoon!  

From Healthy Inspiration




Baked Apples Stuffed with Oatmeal

The warm apple cinnamon aroma will greet your guest as they come down to breakfast.  This breakfast highlights the last of the seasonal apples and uses ingredients already in your pantry.  Give your guests a toppings bar with chopped walnuts, flaked coconut, greek yogurt and toasted almonds to add some tasty flare to their baked apple.

From Noora Mousa, RDN, Food & Nutrition Magazine




Breakfast Cookies

Cookies for breakfast!  What little or big person doesn’t like the idea of that! These cookies are filled with good-for-you ingredients including oats, dried fruit, chopped nuts, mashed bananas and coconut.  ‘Tis the season for… COOKIES!

From McKenzie Hall, RDN and Lisa Samuel, MBA, RDN, Food & Nutrition Magazine




Gingerbread Pancakes

With a hint of spice and everything nice, these pancakes are a crowd pleaser! No refined flour-  only wholesome ingredients that won’t leave you feeling drab and lethargic.  These pancakes are the perfect way to start your day!

From DashingDish




Poached Pears with Yogurt

This eye catching dish can be breakfast or dessert!  Your family will feel like they are at a 5 star restaurant when then eat this easy to make poached pears.  Serve alongside a savory casserole for a satisfying breakfast!

From SkinnyTaste


 Wherever you are gathering,  Whomever you are joining,  And, no matter what you are eating… enjoy a joyous Christmas celebrating the life and love of our Savior, Jesus! Merry Christmas!!  TRUTHThere are three things that remain—faith, hope, and love—and the greatest of these is love.1 Corinthians 13:13 (TLB)

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Unique Mason Jar Gifts that Don’t Disappoint

As the daughter of a teacher, it is not uncommon to walk into my parents home during the holidays and see an array of cookies, cakes, candy, cupcakes and sweets galore!…  Think Willie Wonka, the home version! The kids in her classroom, and their mothers, ADORE her and shower her with gratitude and edible gifts.  Day by day between Thanksgiving and Christmas break, my parents’ dining room table turns into a dessert bar, sparkling with sweets and treats.

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Faith, Life

Dear Stress, Let’s Break Up

It was December 3rd and I was checking my inbox, weeding out massive numbers of holiday sales flyers and advertisements when I came across one that read, “Last minute gift ideas…”.  Seriously?!  Last minute?  Since when did 22 days before Christmas become “last minute?”  I found panic rising and my mind swimming even as I rationally told myself I still had 3 weeks to complete my shopping.    

But doesn’t this happen all too often…?  We know what is true, but allow people, brands, and industries to create stress, panic, angst and worry in our lives.  It’s kind of like we just open the door to our home, our sacred space, and let “Whoever” walk right in and create alarm.  


Who gave that person permission to freak me out?  I did.  


Who gave that person the right to enter my personal mental space and stir up worry?  I did.  


Every time I meditate on worry I am refusing to meditate on truth.  Every time I meditate on truth, I simply can’t think to worry.  It is either light or dark, but they can’t inhabit the same space.



Now, 2 weeks later, my family has gone through several rounds of colds, stomach viruses and an ear infection and I don’t find myself much further along in my Christmas preparations.  I am tired.  I am worn out.  I am behind. There are only 2 wrapped Christmas gifts under our tree and many that have not been checked off my list.  Let’s not even talk about Christmas cards. 


While there is a part of me that wants to cry, blame someone or something, and throw up my hands exasperated, I should be grateful that I can actually sit on my couch and type.  Only yesterday, I laid huddled in the fetal position all day, with a fever, chills and my stomach in agony… with a 1 year old pulling at me, wanting to play.  


To be honest, I don’t really know how I am going to get “it all done.” Maybe “it all” is not as important as I think?  Well, right now, I still think it is!


It is difficult to feel merry when I feel so behind.  But, once again, 14 days later, I have an opportunity… an opportunity to choose panic or peace.  


Sometimes, when life feels overwhelming, it is difficult to figure out even where to start.  What is most important?  Where should I invest my time? What deserves my mental energy FIRST?



There is a song that has encouraged me so many times in the last few months.  It doesn’t give me any new revelations or brilliant ideas how to channel the powers of my inner superwoman, but it reminds me to do one thing, one thing that is so innate that we don’t even give it a second thought.


Breathe, just breathe.


Johnny Diaz sings it beautifully.  The only place to find peace, clarity, and fresh perspective for our day, is at the feet of Jesus.  


You don’t have to go another moment feeling inadequate, overwhelmed and stressed.  




TRUTH: Come to Me, all who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.

Matthew 11:28 (NLT)

To hear the full song, click here.

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