
Are You Buying the Right Type of Eggs?

Walk into any grocery store or market and you can spend $1 on a carton of eggs or over $4 on eggs!  These protein packed little guys used to be considered one of the most economical sources of high-quality protein, but more choices and production practices mean wider range of cost.  Cage-free, organic, brown, omega-3, pasteurized…while your grandparents had just 1 choice at their grocery store a couple of decades ago, you get to make a decision.  But which ones are the best ones?  Is there a certain type that is healthier for you?  What is the difference and what do you need to know to make the best choice for your health?

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How Often Should You Step on the Scale?

“In two decades I’ve lost a total of 789 pounds. I should be hanging from a charm bracelet.” ― Erma Bombeck
For many, weighing brings moments of delight OR torture… It really doesn’t matter how big, small, short or tall, you don’t have to be overweight to have a love-hate relationship with the bathroom scale. Sadly, many allow the number to define them.  The number tells them whether they were “good” or “bad.”  The number shames them or pats them on the back. The number often sets the tone for the rest of the day. It can rob us of hope and unfortunately, the number often takes over our thought life, speaking lies, deceit, guilt, stigma, and defeat. BUT, you don’t have to fall prey to the seductive forces of the scale…

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Health, Life

Feeding a Toddler…The Continuing Saga

The more I live, the more I learn. The more I learn, the more I realize, the less I know.  –Michel Legrand
As many of you know, I have a lively little girl who has added more joy to our lives that we ever imagined possible.  Kids bring a heaping dose of fun, laughter, and sweetness, but they also present dozens of challenges and obstacles that for most of us newbie parents, are foreign, frustrating and can easily steal our joy.

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PlateJoy, A Tool That Makes Meal Planning a Cinch?

Only 24% of dinners are made from scratch, although cooking shows are more popular than ever (!!!), according to the Hartman Group, a market research firm that focuses on the food and beverage industry.
The steady decline of family meals is not revelatory, but it is alarming. With over 50% of meals planned within an hour of eating, I would guess that a lot of those meals are comprised of frozen and convenience foods. There is no shame in reaching into the freezer for a quick option when the masses are starving, but the problem is when this turns into a usual routine. We know that…

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Hello Fresh- Splurge or Lifesaver?

Meal subscription services are gaining popularity and attention.  These trendy services claim to make your life better by doing your meal planning and grocery shopping for you! Essentially, they help you combine fresh, seasonal ingredients into a mouthwatering meal.  Each meal subscription service is slightly different, but the general idea is to deliver fresh ingredients to your doorstep each week along with easy-to-follow recipe cards.  Many of these services boast super fresh and locally sourced ingredients, reduced consumer food waste, healthy and nutritious recipes and most importantly, flavorful, delicious meals. Recently I had the opportunity to try out Hello Fresh.

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Health, Recipes

Spaghetti Squash 101

Maybe 2017 is the year you are trying to find some new and fresh ways to enjoy veggies or maybe you know you just need to eat more of them! Spaghetti squash is a super fun vegetable for parents and kids alike!  Who isn’t intrigued by a big yellow gourd that when cooked and cut produces angel hair strands of squash that mimics the appearance of noodles?! Well, if you haven’t ever ventured to try spaghetti squash or you have walked past them in the market dozens of times not knowing exactly what it was, walk no further!  This is a veggie you NEED to try!

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Health, Life

Living with a Picky Eater: Another Angle

Have you ever wondered what goes through the mind of a picky eater? What makes them judge a food before they have tried it?!  Why does their stomach lurch just at the thought of a food?! What makes them open up to new flavors, tastes and food experiences? If you have ever wondered ‘What can I say, do, share, or encourage?’ with someone you know that has very selective and unique food preferences, you are not alone!

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