Resolutions may be a thing of the past. In our current culture, anti-resolution talk is everywhere. We are dissuaded from making these unrealistic proclamations that less than 5 % of individuals actually achieve. Ironically, productivity experts, health gurus, organization masters, finance coaches and other wizards are all busy promoting their stellar programs to help you overcome your biggest obstacles and become your best self…
Confidence or Community- Are You Seeking the Right One?
Dull, drab, unfashionable, that’s exactly how I felt only a couple of years ago. After having a baby, moving to a new city and leaving a career, I felt a little lost. The identity I thought I knew was no longer and I found myself self-conscious and uncertain. It is during these seasons that it is so easy for the comparison trap to hook us…
Milk, a Mop and a Lesson in Meekness
Rushing in the door with groceries in hand and coaching my toddler in out of the heat, I set the bags down on the floor with a “Humph.” We had just returned from running errands. It always takes longer to run errands with a 2-year-old. I know this. But now, the time was slipping away and I needed to get her lunch fast, before a royal meltdown…
Do You Have a Hero Living Under Your Roof?
Never had I felt so helpless. But, never have I felt so relieved. My daughter was a newborn with colic. Our family lived away and my husband and I were on our own, learning how to care for this tiny baby girl. But, she wouldn’t stop crying. Holding her was about the only thing that would do the trick, and that wasn’t always reliable. It was in those early weeks that my husband embodied ‘hero.’
6 Solutions for Your Afternoon Sugar Cravings
“Sugar is as addictive as heroin,” some claim.
There are many theories as to the cause of sugar cravings- reward pathways, hormonal changes, adrenal fatigue, nutrient deficiencies, maybe even allergies and more. While some of the reasons appear to be complex and unclear, I think everyone can agree- we don’t like them!
Unexpected Gifts
Sometimes gifts show up in unexpected packages.
An entire year…that’s 12 months… 365 days…That’s how long it took for me to lose every last pound of pregnancy weight. I had shed all but about 5 pounds, but those stubborn little guys clung to me like those little “hitch-hiker” seeds that used to cling to our socks. It was really very frustrating and in many ways made me question my self-discipline, knowledge, years of training and experience, motivation,…everything!
What I knew, coached, preached, lived… didn’t seem to be working.
Gifts for Mom Inspired by Her Love Language
Do you remember THAT gift? The one that will forever be etched in your heart and mind? The gift that exceeded thoughtful and spoke directly to a deep place in your soul? Well, I love giving those kinds of gifts. I get the biggest thrill knowing that I didn’t just give a gift that was practical, functional or even on someone’s list, but I found the perfect idea that would never be forgotten.
Happy Easter!
Life is a gift. But, eternal life is an undeserved, priceless gift. Blessings today as you celebrate Easter with your family and friends!!
Another Gift…
A beloved baby.
Our family is elated to share that we are expecting! My sweet McKaela is going to be a big sister. We are in the throes of packing and moving into a new home and are quite excited for the new season and adventures ahead of us.
Move Over Perfection, Make Room for Excellence
Striving for excellence motivates you; striving for perfection is demoralizing. — Harriet Braiker
As the oldest child in my family and with a very real and innate desire to please and excel, I think perfectionism will always be a thorn in my side. As much as I would like to imagine I can overcome it and get rid of it, I think this desire to pursue, press on, go further and use my God-given gifts is a part of how I was created. The problem is when it becomes about me.
The twist is when doing good, excelling, and moving the bar higher becomes a self-serving action.