
How Many Attempts Until Success?

How many times are YOU willing to try?

Many of us might respond that it “depends on what we are trying to do.”  It is human nature to get frustrated when our plan does not go well.  It is normal to feel disappointed when our efforts don’t appear to pay off.  It is understandable when all of our hard work seems to get us… nowhere.  If you have ever felt like you are running circles, it is fatiguing and the goal in the distance doesn’t get any closer, right?

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Fitness, Health

One More Step for Strong Bones

Osteoporosis is a “silent disease” in which bones become brittle and weak over time, increasing risk of fracture from a fall.  While this disease may elicit a picture of a hunched elderly woman, the actual weakening of the bones began decades earlier, likely when she was unaware.  According to National Institute of Health, bone mass peaks between ages 20-30, making it crucial for individuals to actively work to maintain bone density throughout the lifespan.

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