It happens to us all- we get caught up in the festivities, music, laughter, conversation and hustle and lose track of what we’ve eaten, how much and how we really feel. Eating mindfully during the holiday season can feel frustrating and on some days, even impossible, especially when our typical schedules are interrupted with more and more to-dos.
Merry Christmas!!
Wishing you a joyous holiday season with the people you cherish most!
Nutrition Survival Guide for Holiday Parties- Leave Regret in the Coat Closet!
Have you ever returned home from a holiday party, or any party for that matter, regretting your food and beverage choices? Have you ever questioned yourself about why you chose to over-indulge or accept the second serving from a ‘good intentioned’ individual who reminded you that you won’t get to eat it again until next year?
For YOU, my readers. You inspire me every single day!
For my supportive, loving and tender husband- my Knight.
For my girls that give me a new revelation of love, acceptance and purpose every morning…
Maple Roasted Sweet Potatoes with Pecans
Sweet potatoes are a quintessential part of our family’s holiday traditions- in fact, I can’t remember a Thanksgiving or Christmas without them on the table. Growing up, my aunt was hailed for making an amazing sweet potato casserole with pecan crunch topping. Every casserole she made contained a whole lot of love… and butter… and sugar! Essentially, our traditional sweet potato casserole probably deserved a place on the dessert table…
What to Do With All the Candy!?
While the ultimate candy holiday has passed, it has probably left you a sweet and horrible gift… a stash of way too many confectionary treats! Maybe you were “the one” who gave out “healthier” treats this year, like my friend Josten Fish recommends in her article, 10 Halloween Treats That Aren’t Candy. But even so, that doesn’t keep your kitchen candy free. So, the dilemma presents… What to do with all the candy?
Unique Mason Jar Gifts that Don’t Disappoint
As the daughter of a teacher, it is not uncommon to walk into my parents home during the holidays and see an array of cookies, cakes, candy, cupcakes and sweets galore!… Think Willie Wonka, the home version! The kids in her classroom, and their mothers, ADORE her and shower her with gratitude and edible gifts. Day by day between Thanksgiving and Christmas break, my parents’ dining room table turns into a dessert bar, sparkling with sweets and treats.
Dear Stress, Let’s Break Up
But doesn’t this happen all too often…? We know what is true, but allow people, brands, and industries to create stress, panic, angst and worry in our lives. It’s kind of like we just open the door to our home, our sacred space, and let “Whoever” walk right in and create alarm.
Who gave that person permission to freak me out? I did.
Who gave that person the right to enter my personal mental space and stir up worry? I did.
Every time I meditate on worry I am refusing to meditate on truth. Every time I meditate on truth, I simply can’t think to worry. It is either light or dark, but they can’t inhabit the same space.
Now, 2 weeks later, my family has gone through several rounds of colds, stomach viruses and an ear infection and I don’t find myself much further along in my Christmas preparations. I am tired. I am worn out. I am behind. There are only 2 wrapped Christmas gifts under our tree and many that have not been checked off my list. Let’s not even talk about Christmas cards.
While there is a part of me that wants to cry, blame someone or something, and throw up my hands exasperated, I should be grateful that I can actually sit on my couch and type. Only yesterday, I laid huddled in the fetal position all day, with a fever, chills and my stomach in agony… with a 1 year old pulling at me, wanting to play.
To be honest, I don’t really know how I am going to get “it all done.” Maybe “it all” is not as important as I think? Well, right now, I still think it is!
It is difficult to feel merry when I feel so behind. But, once again, 14 days later, I have an opportunity… an opportunity to choose panic or peace.
Sometimes, when life feels overwhelming, it is difficult to figure out even where to start. What is most important? Where should I invest my time? What deserves my mental energy FIRST?
There is a song that has encouraged me so many times in the last few months. It doesn’t give me any new revelations or brilliant ideas how to channel the powers of my inner superwoman, but it reminds me to do one thing, one thing that is so innate that we don’t even give it a second thought.
Breathe, just breathe.
Johnny Diaz sings it beautifully. The only place to find peace, clarity, and fresh perspective for our day, is at the feet of Jesus.
You don’t have to go another moment feeling inadequate, overwhelmed and stressed.
TRUTH: Come to Me, all who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.
Matthew 11:28 (NLT)
To hear the full song, click here.
Memories Beyond the Dinner Table
I believe that food has a fascinating way of connecting us. Sitting at the dinner table with friends, family, and maybe even some people we don’t even really know very well, we are able to share experiences, foods, memories, and laughter, intermingling our personalities, stories, beliefs and preferences all into beautifully woven art.
But food is not the only way memories are made. In fact, most of my most cherished memories as a child, the traditions I adore, and the reflections I relive, are the ones outside the dinner table…