
De-escalating Meal Time Drama Around Kids & Food

“That’s yucky!”
“I don’t like that!”
Kid comments like these are often followed up with whining and begging for favorite foods. And these negative food experiences are enough to make any parent exasperated. Once the whining wears you down, the idea of giving up and giving in, just to stop the chaotic noise and make the food experience a little bit better is totally understandable.
But it doesn’t really solve the problem, does it?

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Health, Life

Feeding a Toddler…The Continuing Saga

The more I live, the more I learn. The more I learn, the more I realize, the less I know.  –Michel Legrand
As many of you know, I have a lively little girl who has added more joy to our lives that we ever imagined possible.  Kids bring a heaping dose of fun, laughter, and sweetness, but they also present dozens of challenges and obstacles that for most of us newbie parents, are foreign, frustrating and can easily steal our joy.

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