As women, we put our heart into practically everything that we do. Always giving, serving, loving, comforting, working, cleaning… But how much time are we spending to keep our heart healthy, pumping and thriving? Sometimes, we are so focused on nurturing those around us that we neglect to nurture the very thing that keeps us beating.
The American College of Sports Medicine presents research that 56% of Americans do not meet the 2008 federal physical activity guidelines (150 minutes moderate activity per week OR 30 minutes, 5x/week). This fast growing health issue is contributing to the increased prevalence of chronic health problems like cognitive decline, some cancers, cardiovascular disease and obesity, BUT it is also one of the easiest to solve. It does not require prescriptions, health programs or even research. Simply a pair of tennis shoes.

Sadly, these statistics demonstrate that physical activity may not be at the top of our priority list. But, I think the reality is that there often are too many things at the top of our priority list and something has to get bumped.
After becoming a mom, I quickly identified with the struggle of learning how to make time for exercise. I felt this immediate pressure to become Wonder Woman- the woman who was pursuing a fulfilling career, nursing and pumping every 3 hours, never late to pick up her child at daycare, back in pre-pregnancy clothes by the end of maternity leave, enjoying a few minutes to herself every day “because it is healthy,” and always having enough energy for her husband .
Alone in this thought? I think not. I would like to say I learned this elegant dance, swaying from one role to the other with ease and grace. “Would” being the key word.
Whether you have kids or not, the juggling act is always in play. There will always be too many things vying for our time, attention and energy. But, YOU will always have a choice. By failing to invest in ourselves, we are showing our family and others that we do not have self-perceived value. On the contrary! We are women of indispensable worth, beauty and talent.
The question remains, “How do we fit in fitness without sacrificing family time, commitments, sleep or work quality?” I believe that sometimes you will have to say “no.” Not because you want to, but because you need to- for you. And that’s okay. But I have also learned to re-invent my exercise routine when my I am struggling to keep up.
Before baby, I exercised consistently after work. I always felt great going home after a productive day at the office and a sweaty workout. But now I have had to find a new normal. What was once a perfect plan is no longer and interferes with precious family time in the evening when my husband is home. Sometimes we will take a family walk or jog, but in general, I have had to re-vamp my personal exercise routine. Changing it up allows my exercise to work for me, not against me. I have also become quite creative looking for ways to exercise andmove more throughout the day. If you are struggling to carve out specific time for physical activity each day I encourage you not to give up! There is an abundance of ways to increase your activity, regardless of your fitness level. Here are a few ideas to get you started:
Walking meetings- Plan work, volunteer, or church meetings to include a walk. It is a great opportunity to brainstorm and practice active listening while improving cardiovascular health.
Turn on the music- Whether you are cleaning, cooking, or playing with your little ones, music with a catchy beat will get you movin’ and groovin’!
Family fun outdoors- Plan a family kickball or softball game after Sunday dinner. Take a bike ride with your spouse to have a few minutes of alone time. Each week, take turns visiting different parks in your city.
Walk-Chat- Plan to catch up with a friend or family member while going on a walk (phone or in person).
Join a dance class- Ever tried line dancing? Do you have a secret desire to learn the tango with your spouse? Interested in clogging? Classes are a great way to meet people, receive instruction and build camaraderie. Class members also notice when you are not there for some built in accountability.
Don’t stop with just these ideas! You are the only one who can best design an activity plan that is fun, fulfilling and addicting. So grab your shoes and get moving!
TRUTH: Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith.
Hebrew 12:1-2