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Resolutions may be a thing of the past. In our current culture, anti-resolution talk is everywhere. We are dissuaded from making these unrealistic proclamations that less than 5 % of individuals actually achieve. Ironically, productivity experts, health gurus, organization masters, finance coaches and other wizards are all busy promoting their stellar programs to help you overcome your biggest obstacles and become your best self.
It’s kind of comical…Really, we have just modified the language. Instead of setting resolutions, we write out goals, intentions, behavior changes, etc. There may be a slight difference between definitions but the general idea remains the same- we determine an area that needs to change or improve and then seek out a way to do so.
The beginning of the year is the perfect time to self-assess, think, plan, pray and determine where you want to go, how you want to grow and who you want to become.
There is truth in that if we don’t plan, we might get stuck where we are. “Failing to plan is planning to fail.” Right? Setting a plan is advantageous and good! But it’s so easy to get caught up in the doing, isn’t it– trying to elevate ourselves to greatness?
Looking inward causes us to ask a hard, prying question: What is the motivation for my resolutions, my goals, my desire to become my best self?
Sometimes we have no self-love for our bodies, our temples, and believe changing them will cause us to like ourselves more. Sadly, we have been brainwashed to believe that beauty is a size.
Others of us believe that becoming a better person will make us more valuable, liked and accepted.
Sometimes goals are rooted in fear- when inaction could create dire circumstances.
What is motivating your goals this year?
As I personally created and reviewed my SMART goals for the New Year a few days ago, I began asking myself why- Why did I want to tackle these goals? Why was that accomplishment so important to me? Why would I feel like a failure if a year went by without making headway in this area?
And then, this question came to me, “Would you be any less loved if you didn’t achieve a single one?” I guess the response to that question really depends on where you are looking for love.
As you create your action plan for 2018, I dare you to look deeper. I challenge you to identify your WHY. Is it rooted in love OR fear and insecurity?
Could you end this year knowing that you had accomplished ZERO goals but still feel 100% confident in your invaluable worth? Could you accept that God delights in being with you, not doing with you?
YOU are His treasure, not your accomplishments. You don’t have to change yourself this year. You can stay exactly as you are, and you will be cherished, adored and loved beyond measure.
You don’t need to accept the lie that self-improvement is the way to win value. No resolution can help you earn what you already have- love that knows no limits.
While the experts can help you achieve goals you never thought possible, no accomplishment can satisfy the deep longings of your heart.
Today you are accepted. Tomorrow, when you get off course, you are loved. When you forget your royal identity, you are known. When you feel utter failure, you are celebrated.
Nothing can separate you from the love of God. Nothing.
Go grab your written 2018 SMART goals and ask yourself ‘Why is this important to me?’ Get rid of the “doing” mentality and decide to be this year. Head into 2018 confident that YOU are the sweetest treasure your Heavenly Father has ever known.
TRUTH: I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. –Psalm 139:14, NIV