We prayed over her meal and then she began eating. As I turned around to unpack all the bags and put up the cold items, I heard a “Splat!”
Quickly glancing behind me, I saw her entire cup of milk… on the ground. It had splattered several feet- in every direction. Frustrated and trying to overlook the fact that I was hungry too, I grabbed the towel and some wet rags to begin cleaning it up. The self-talk in my head reminded me that only hours earlier her cup of water had splashed all over the floor- one reason we were late getting out the door to run errands.
(No sense to cry over spilled milk when there is world peace to contemplate.)
(No worries. Mommy’s got this.)
Ten minutes later I had a hand-cleaned breakfast room floor. Refilling her cup of milk, I seriously considered putting a lid on it, but she was insistent that she wanted it, “like that”- lid-less. I complied with her request. This mom wasn’t going to invite a dreaded meltdown over a silly lid.
I gave her a little pep talk about being careful as she drinks her milk and moved her plate and water glass out of the way so that as she drank the milk the second time, nothing would bump her cup or get in the way. As I turned back to the kitchen to check on my lunch that was cooking, I heard another “Splat!” followed by a cry. This time, the milk was all over her, the cushioned chair and the floor.
It was probably 15 seconds before I even said anything- I just stared. I was stunned. Shocked. Was I really looking at milk covered floor, again?! As my stomach was growling, me and my 30-week pregnancy belly got back down on the floor to yet again, clean up the spill.
Fifteen minutes later, this time, she was cleaned up, the floor was ‘mostly’ cleaned and the chair had been wiped down, I stepped back, hoping to get a grip on my frustration.
I guess this is what it means when people say “life is messy.” It’s unpredictable, filled with obstacles and a little sticky. It requires a mop- a lot!
I said little to my daughter because I had a feeling that even the proper words wouldn’t have come out with the right spirit or tone. But, I began to think about how many times God has not only extended grace and forgiveness, but words of kindness and love when I have messed up and then turned right back around and messed up again- the same way.
Intentional or not, many times I have goofed up. Maybe it was due to lack of care, attention, priority or simply not using (or seeking) wisdom. But, in His endearing mercy and grace, my Father comes to my rescue. He cleans up my mess, wipes me off, speaks into my soul and gives me another chance. It’s another opportunity to try again, learn a lesson, strengthen my skills.
He takes a chance every time because I might not get it right. The next time may not be the one that “sticks”. I might fall many times before I learn to steady myself and execute a combination of skills and knowledge to conquer the task. But he doesn’t give up on me. He doesn’t call me a failure or belittle me or speak under His breath. My Heavenly Father doesn’t decide that this is one skill I just can’t master.
He loves me.
LOVE is…
Not easily angered
Doesn’t keep a record of wrongs
Always trusts
Always perseveres…
What a definition!!
As I took my daughter upstairs to get her ready for rest time, I was tired and hungry. I just wanted to get story time over with so I could move on with my tasks for the afternoon. But, I also realized my response to her in these next minutes were irreplaceable and had the potential to empower or knock her down. My response towards her mess-ups contributes to how confident she feels about trying again. When I allow my frustration to lash out, she receives a message, one I don’t want her to receive. If I want to raise a confident, courageous little girl, I have to coach her to success, not highlight her failures.
I sat her in my lap, gave her a kiss and told her how we are going to try again later to practice her skills. Thank goodness God keeps encouraging me to ‘try again.’
Jim Daly recently said on a Focus on the Family broadcast that God gives us kids to humble us. God keeps giving me opportunities to drink my milk like a big girl. I get to practice unconditional love again and again.
Cheers to another glass of milk, minus the lid!
TRUTH: So, chosen by God for this new life of love, dress in the wardrobe God picked out for you: compassion, kindness, humility, quiet strength, discipline. Be even-tempered, content with second place, quick to forgive an offense. Forgive as quickly and completely as the Master forgave you. And regardless of what else you put on, wear love. It’s your basic, all-purpose garment. Never be without it. –Colossians 3:12-14 (MSG)